A Robinson Win would be a Disaster for NC, the South, and the Country

It may be easy to dismiss Robinson’s offensive rhetoric and radical policies as bombastic and ultimately inconsequential, but Robinson would yield real power as Governor and would likely be backed by a Republican-led state legislature and state Supreme Court, both of which have bucked decorum and good governance in recent years in favor of naked […]
Black North Carolinians Reject Robinson’s Rhetoric and Platform

CARE conducted several rounds of public opinion research to understand Black people’s concerns about Robinson’s leadership. The topline from our research shows, the more Black North Carolinians know about the real Mark Robinson, the more they reject his leadership.
N.C. GOP nominee compared Planned Parenthood, men with saggy pants to KKK

Mark Robinson, the Republican in a competitive governor’s race, has declared them and others comparable to or worse than the Ku Klux Klan in social media posts
Líderes hispanos están en batalla contra Mark Robinson

Líderes comunitarios se reunieron el jueves, 7 de marzo, a las 10 am., en el Halifax Mall para levantar su voz de protesta contra la insultos a este candidato.
GOP Guv Candidate Mark Robinson on Obamacare: It’s an Effort to ‘Enslave Everybody’

In 2018, Mark Robinson went on a conspiracy-laden YouTube show and said the Affordable Care Act was a “concentrated effort” to “enslave everybody.”
Mark Robinson’s gubernatorial nomination sparks debate from both sides

Just days after Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson won the Republican nomination for Governor, a group that calls itself the ‘Coalition against Robinson’s Extremism’ held a press conference in downtown Wilmington to highlight and talk about Robinson’s nomination.
Public education advocates decry Lt. Governor Robinson’s stances, rhetoric

With just 244 days until voters head to the polls again, a coalition of groups launched a statewide accountability campaign against GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson on Thursday.
Mark Robinson says transgender women should be arrested for using women’s bathrooms

Robinson, who has a history of anti-LGBTQ remarks, revived the 2016 ‘bathroom bill’ idea that sparked a public outcry and cost the state billions of dollars in lost business.
Op-Ed: On Parkland shooting anniversary, teens like me won’t forget the politicians who stopped gun reform

I turn 18 in a year, and will finally be allowed to vote. What my generation has been subjected to in terms of gun violence and a lack of policy will not go unnoticed. As we gain the right to vote, we will not forget what politicians like Mark Robinson have said and done, nor […]
The Rev. CJ Brinson: Mark Robinson disgraces Greensboro’s storied history

Greensboro has been at the forefront of just about every major movement of justice in the United States. A key battle of the American Revolution was fought on Battleground Avenue, the vestiges of the Underground Railroad still exist today on the campus of Guilford College and, of course, the Woolworth lunch counter protests happened at what is today the International Civil Rights Center & Museum.