Mark Robinson’s dangerous rhetoric and extreme policies come on the heels of the latest legislative session, during which radical Republicans prioritized discriminatory measures over the needs of our children, parents, and educators.
Spell A DISASTER For Education
Against public education
Ban books
Censor curriculum
Demonize LGBTQ students
Eliminate the State Board of Education
Foster divisions
Global warming denier
Holocaust denier
Ignore Leandro mandate
Justify hate speech
Keep underfunding schools
Label educators as “wicked people”
Mock school shooting survivors
Neglect the needs of parents + students
Obstruct honest discussions of our history
Promote extremism
QAnon promoter
Remove science and history from K-5
Swamp educators with red tape
Take away our rights
Undermine our public schools
Vouchers for millionaires
Waste state resources on witch hunts
Xerox copy of Trump
Yield to corporate interests
Zone out on our needs
We must stop Mark Robinson from becoming the next governor of North Carolina.